Hey a lot of experimenting here… I used Adobe Rush to edit this video on my phone and upload it straight to YouTube. what do you think of the format? do you like this smooth jazz or should I just let the senko hanabi be the star of the show?
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❗️Check out some of my favorite videos! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSQlM72_MiU&list=PLoDcIufsMwoegdWUdB3LRY8hh5_9HWoi0
❗️Here’s my COMPLETE Chemistry Course! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnALtPN27B4&list=PLoDcIufsMwodm8zHlnLUHmoKeuHFx3tbz
Keep an eye on @Nighthawkinlight … He’s been working on some very cool stuff with senko hanabi since our Pyro Tech Talk!
This was a very temperamental batch. I think I had a little too much charcoal / soot so I actually had to blow on the dross ball to get it to work. Atmospheric oxygen is an important contributor to this reaction so blowing on a struggling senko will usually help….
As always please do not experiment with pyrotechnics, unless you are trained or working with a trained supervisor!
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