COVID-19 Remote Learning Lifeline!

TEACHERS: Did you get caught off-guard by switching overnight to a remote set-up? I did. Please feel free to lean on my resources while you get your own program up and running. I am allowing the download of the skeletal outlines for ALL of my content lessons. These were designed to go along with my videos, so you can give them the pdfs and have them fill out the notes. My videos cover most of what you probably teach in your introductory chemistry classes, so help yourself.

STUDENTS: Are you stuck without much instruction during the pandemic? It might not be your teacher’s fault. There are a lot of technological and legal hurdles for getting meaningful remote learning up and running. Feel free to jump into my videos where ever you left off in school. Download the pdfs and practice along with me until we can get you back together with your own teacher.

I experimented with some live streams for instruction for the first two weeks of remote instruction. My district has shifted to other platforms, but if there is interest in some live streams of practice problems, leave a comment on one of my YouTube videos.