Want to separate the constituents of a relationship for your own gain? Then find a difference between the components and exploit it! Here are five techniques to get you...
Playlist - Full Course! Start to Finish!
This is it! Here is the entire course IN ORDER!
Density is a great topic in chemistry because it hits so many important ideas: measurement, graphing, intensive & extensive properties, identification, etc...
An ambitious introduction to the chemical perspective on chemistry. We will use energy to practice unit manipulation, differentiate heat and temperature, and endothermic...
Almost too much for one lesson. We will define specific heat capacity (or just specific heat) and use it to demonstrate how units should work out. We will differentiate...
Well, it’s a start anyway. A quick summary of chemistry in its proto-science days (as alchemy) and then an explanation of Lavoisier’s, Proust’s, and...
The start of early atomic history. We will look over the five principles of Dalton’s Billiard Ball Model of the Atom. Crookes’ work on the cathode ray tube...
Two men who added quite a bit to early atomic theory. Check out two of the most famous chemistry experiments of ALL TIME. And some witty banter between elderly Nobel...
A potpourri of atomic information. A quick introduction to bright line spectra, spectroscopy and how it is used to identify elements is here. Plus all the basics of...
If you aren’t changing the number of protons, then you are changing the number of electrons or neutrons. That’s where ions and isotopes come in. Learn how to...
Welcome to one of the most important documents created in all of humanity. And it fits one one page. We’ll give you a quick background and then differentiate...